For teachers

Students are asking teachers to help by:

  1. Having your class complete the anonymous Student Survey. Giving students a voice in their ideal climate-ready education. Consider providing the survey during class time or offering class points for participating in collective change for homework. Use this link to share the descriptive webpage and survey links. The survey will give students an opportunity to:
    • Voice their climate education needs. 
    • Connect with other students and get access to free changemaking resources.
    • Pledge to take meaningful sustainability actions.
    • Feel part of a province-wide climate initiative.
  2. Completing and sharing the anonymous Teacher Survey (10 min). Teachers need a voice and space to be celebrated. We want to know what educators need to confidently prepare students to grapple with the challenges of climate change. Help us reach more teachers and their students by asking your colleagues and community to join you in voicing their climate education needs and be a part of this network. 
    • Survey respondents will be offered free access to Be the Change Earth Alliance’s complete suite of eco-social learning resources developed and used by hundreds of teachers over the last decade. You’ll gain access to lesson plans, student Action Packs, experiential exercises and more! You can also request workshops!
  3. Joining the Be the Change Action Network by placing yourself on our action map. You can:
    • Map your own climate, sustainability and social justice projects and contacts, so other teachers can see who you are, what you’re working on and how to connect! 
    • Flag if you are eager to work with other teachers, but don’t yet have a project. In the future, we hope to create an online discussion space for call outs, events, resource sharing and more!
  4. Sharing this network with your school's climate, environment and social justice related clubs and teacher sponsors, so they can:
    • Add their club to the BC school-based changemaker map through the Club Survey and add their voice to the Teacher and Student climate education surveys!
    • Access changemaking team building resources, request mentorship and project seed funding. See For School Clubs tab for more information.

Why Join and Help Build This Network?:

We need a changemaker network. Students and teachers across the province recognize the urgency of the climate crisis and are acting for change through their schools, but many of us are unaware of other changemakers. This means we are unaware of our collective efforts and are missing opportunities to collaborate. Be the Change Earth Alliance is helping to map youth-led changemaking groups and teacher climate champions around the province. Our aim is to grow into a well-known community of school-based changemakers, where we can collaborate, learn from each other, and access resources and support year after year!

We need a survey to identify our climate education needs. Climate Education Reform BC (CERBC) - a growing youth-led organization - is calling for changes to the BC education system in order to better prepare students and teachers to tackle the climate crisis. To honour the call of the youth, Be the Change Earth Alliance is gathering the voices of students and teachers to envision and co-create the changes we need. Help us empower students and teachers to:



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Our Supporters

City of Vancouver
The Humber Foundation
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
Environment Canada
Vancouver School Board
Delta School District
Multifaith Action Society
Surrey Schools
Burnaby School District
Jack of Hearts Productions
Abbotsford School District
Richmond School District
British Columbia
Red Cross
BC Hydro
Chris Spencer
SM Blair
Vantel Safeway
BC Gaming
Eco Canada
Electricity Human Resources Canada
Project learning Tree

Be the Change is a proud member of the Canadian Environmental Network.