My name is Kate Sutherland. I donate every year to Be The Change Earth Alliance and have been an avid supporter since the early days.
I love its grounded, practical, and strategic use of key levers for transformative change: activating HEAD (sharing key info), HEART (connecting to others and to values) and HANDS (recommending a range of potential actions). I so respect how the work keeps deepening and evolving, as the team learns and iterates its offerings.
And I care deeply about the braiding of three crucial strands in the BTC vision: to support a socially just, environmentally sustainable and personally fulfilling human presence on this planet.
We need to wake up if we are to address the climate crisis without falling into fear or despair. BTCEA is empowering to the core and systemic in its DNA. You can taste this in their activation of students, of corporations, of community circles, of teachers, and more!
I’ve been passionate about transformative change my whole life, creating innovative programs with environmental organizations, Findhorn Foundation, THNK School of Creative Leadership and SFU’s Social Innovation Certificate. My consulting practice and the three books I’ve authored all build on the essential truths of transformative change.
I will continue to support BTCEA to support this “Great Turning” from an industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization (J.Macy).
This blog is part of a Donor Story series and November fundraising campaign where BTCEA donors are sharing why they support Be the Change.
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Hi. Kim & Stuart here. We’re steadfast supporters of Be the Change Earth Alliance and Verity is the embodiment of why we believe bringing eco-social education to our youth is so important. We want Verity to enjoy the same rejuvenating experiences in nature as we’ve enjoyed our whole lives...not wildfires, floods and millions of starving people all over the world.
We’re constantly looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint: riding a bike to work, conserving energy and water, reducing waste, cutting way back on air travel and needless consumption. But we’re frustrated knowing this is just a drop in the bucket. We need critical mass - the population, business and industry need direction from government. Seeing politicians being non-responsive is maddening. We agree with Greta – politicians need to tell the truth to rally collective action. Seeing climate-aware youth in the street gives us renewed inspiration. This generation will soon be able to vote.

My name is Andrew Davidson, I’m an Investment Advisor based in Vancouver.
To me, meaningful investment includes investing in combating the climate crisis. There is no clearer return than a clean and healthy world.
As with tackling many pressing issues, starting with education can be transformative. I encourage you to invest in Be the Change Earth Alliance because there really is no downside to investing in climate action and students.

Hi, I’m Suzanne Barois. I am pleased to have an opportunity to speak on behalf of Be the Change Earth Alliance and commend this grassroots organization for all the good work they do.
My husband and I have attended BTCEA’s Annual General Meeting each year and have met most of the board members and staff. We have always been impressed with how much this small organization is able to do with the resources they have and inspired by the calibre of their work. The volunteers are enthusiastic, and the staff is highly motivated in their work with the teachers and students. I feel that every penny we invest in this organization is put to good use and much appreciated.