Donor Story: Investing in our youth

My name is Andrew Davidson, I’m an Investment Advisor based in Vancouver. 

To me, meaningful investment includes investing in combating the climate crisis. There is no clearer return than a clean and healthy world.

As with tackling many pressing issues, starting with education can be transformative. I encourage you to invest in Be the Change Earth Alliance because there really is no downside to investing in climate action and students.  

I met Maureen Jack-LaCroix through family connections. We went for coffee, and once I heard about Be the Change Earth Alliance from her, I knew it was a worthwhile cause. I think there would probably be fewer people who denied the science and the effects of climate change if our education system had been set up to tackle these topics a lot sooner. 

With your support Be the Change can bring its Youth for Climate Action program to hundreds more of BC’s teachers, empowering thousands of youth with the transformative education they need. 

Be the Change programs help youth develop the critical thinking and collaborative skills they need to become empowered citizens, innovative and resilient to meet the great changes that are ahead of us.

Best wishes,   


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Donor Story: Kim and Stuart

Hi. Kim & Stuart here. We’re steadfast supporters of Be the Change Earth Alliance and Verity is  the embodiment of why we believe  bringing eco-social education to our youth is so important. We want Verity to enjoy the same rejuvenating experiences in nature as we’ve enjoyed our whole lives...not wildfires, floods and millions of starving people all over the world.

We’re constantly looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint: riding a bike to work, conserving energy and water, reducing waste, cutting way back on air travel and needless consumption. But we’re frustrated knowing this is just a drop in the bucket. We need critical mass - the population, business and industry need direction from government. Seeing politicians being non-responsive is maddening. We agree with Greta – politicians need to tell the truth to rally collective action. Seeing climate-aware youth in the street gives us renewed inspiration. This generation will soon be able to vote.

Donor Story: Creating systems change

Hi, I’m Suzanne BaroisI am pleased to have an opportunity to speak on behalf of Be the Change Earth Alliance and commend this grassroots organization for all the good work they do.  

My husband and I have attended BTCEA’s Annual General Meeting each year and have met most of the board members and staff. We have always been impressed with how much this small organization is able to do with the resources they have and inspired by the calibre of their work. The volunteers are enthusiastic, and the staff is highly motivated in their work with the teachers and students. I feel that every penny we invest in this organization is put to good use and much appreciated. 

Donor Story: Supporting collaboration and critical thinking

My name is Michael Goodman, and I’m proud to say I’ve donated to Be the Change Earth Alliance. 

I’m 69. Climate change feels like my generation’s problem. And yet we’ve left our youth to deal with it. How better to solve this problem than by supporting them? 

Let’s help our youth discuss these problems and consider how they can reshape our country to do better. I donated to Be the Change Earth Alliance because I think that without discussion and thought there can be no action. Be the Change helps youth come to grips with the climate crisis and discover how they can make a positive impact on our world.  

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City of Vancouver
The Humber Foundation
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
Environment Canada
Vancouver School Board
Delta School District
Multifaith Action Society
Surrey Schools
Burnaby School District
Jack of Hearts Productions
Abbotsford School District
Richmond School District
British Columbia
Red Cross
BC Hydro
Chris Spencer
SM Blair
Vantel Safeway
BC Gaming
Eco Canada
Electricity Human Resources Canada
Project learning Tree

Be the Change is a proud member of the Canadian Environmental Network.