Out of Office & Onto the Streets

This week, millions have already walked in solidarity with youth leaders demanding action to address the climate crisis. Our time is running out. Sea levels are rising, glaciers are melting, we are seeing an increase in extreme weather events, and temperatures are at all-time highs

Our modern existence seems to have forgotten its intrinsic connection to the natural world. And so here we stand, on the precipice of an irreversible climate crisis, with countless species at risk of extinction, and our frightened children leading rallies in the streets. 

We got ourselves into this mess, and we have got to get ourselves out. Our way of living, governing, and going about ‘business as usual’ is going to bring us all down. So let’s take pause. Let’s reset. And then let’s act boldly by making personal choices and supporting public policies that protect our planet. 

But how? How can we change hearts and minds? How can we collectively break our habits and disrupt the status quo? Well -- as we stand in the wake of a week of incredible youth-led organizing around the world, it seems we ‘elders’ could learn a thing or two about global collaboration from our ‘youngers’. It is possible! 

While there is no time left for climate delayers/deniers in government, there is still time to secure a safer, more just future for all. In support of this sentiment, our Be the Change headquarters here in Vancouver, BC will shut down for the entirety of September’s big strike day: September 27, 2019

We are truly grateful for the activism led by our youth and the ongoing resistance of the First Nations people. Now, each of us must support this civil action by taking personal responsibility to reduce our ecological footprint, and our leaders must take social responsibility to hold industries accountable. We hope that you will join us in this great movement for change.

We’ll be getting back to empowering global sustainability through education when our office resumes its regular business hours on Monday, September 30. 

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City of Vancouver
The Humber Foundation
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
Environment Canada
Vancouver School Board
Delta School District
Multifaith Action Society
Surrey Schools
Burnaby School District
Jack of Hearts Productions
Abbotsford School District
Richmond School District
British Columbia
Red Cross
BC Hydro
Chris Spencer
SM Blair
Vantel Safeway
BC Gaming
Eco Canada
Electricity Human Resources Canada
Project learning Tree

Be the Change is a proud member of the Canadian Environmental Network.