The Climate & Connection Unit consists of FREE learning resources for teachers, specifically designed for remote and home learning. This Unit is the most recent addition to Student Leadership for Change (SLC), Be the Change’s online suite of eco-social learning resources. 

The Climate and Connection Unit consists of 15 Action Packs that guide students through learning and taking action on topics related to two main themes:

  • Climate: climate change, climate action and climate justice
  • Connection: to myself, to my values, and to other people

Highlights of the Climate & Connection Unit include:

  • Solutions- and action-oriented learning on environmental and social justice topics
  • Focus on experiential learning and household activities to minimize screen time 
  • PDF format that students can fill out on a computer or print at home
  • Easily distributed on online platforms such as Microsoft Teams
  • Focus on developing Core Competencies 
  • Flexible and adaptable to specific needs of a teacher, student or course
  • Applicable to a range of courses such as Science, Social Studies and Careers
  • Designed for high school and middle school students; adaptable for primary students 
  • Strong alignment with the First People’s Principles of Learning 
  • An Experiential Learning Toolbox with experiential learning activities focused on building social and personal connection and developing Core Competencies


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Our Supporters

City of Vancouver
The Humber Foundation
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
Environment Canada
Vancouver School Board
Delta School District
Multifaith Action Society
Surrey Schools
Burnaby School District
Jack of Hearts Productions
Abbotsford School District
Richmond School District
British Columbia
Red Cross
BC Hydro
Chris Spencer
SM Blair
Vantel Safeway
BC Gaming
Eco Canada
Electricity Human Resources Canada
Project learning Tree

Be the Change is a proud member of the Canadian Environmental Network.