Voices of our Community - Extended
Being our last longer stories for our Community for Change Campaign, we want the voices of our community, contributors, and benefactors to reflect who we are and what we do. So we asked a couple community members to ‘chime in’ and let us know the role we have played in their experiences and also the role they have played in BTCEA’s work.
Here are a couple responses, the longer less refined raw answers…
Voices of our Community
If you haven’t already contributed, there’s just two days left to be part of our Community for Change Campaign!
In four weeks we’ve raised just over $15,000 of our $25,000 goal. So far eighty people of our 100 person goal have contributed
Will you donate and help us reach our target? We need your help to continue this amazing work! Canadian tax receipts are issued for all donations over $10.
What work, you ask? And why?
We asked a few community members to chime in and let us know what BTCEA means to them.
Give Active Hope to Young People
Could you use some ‘active hope’?
Young people today need this particular kind of hope— and in this season of generosity, you can get it by giving it.
What is active hope?
Are you a BC French Teacher?
Are you a BC certified French speaking teacher who cares deeply about environmental sustainability?
Join BTCEA's own star Suzanne in our Community for Change!
You’ve heard from Simon, one of our many empowered students and from Fiona, one of our many inspired teachers. Today we’d like to take you backstage to hear about one of our amazing volunteers, environmental biologist Suzanne Barois.
Charitable endeavours like Be The Change Earth Alliance could never exist without the generous support of other concerned citizens like Suzanne (and you!) who share our passion for positive change. We welcome you to pledge support by joining our Community of Change.
Support teachers like Fiona!
How do we create social values of global sustainability? One very effective way is through education that empowers behaviour change.
Fiona Buchanan is a passionate young teacher who discovered our SLS: Student Leadership in Sustainability curriculum materials by attending a professional development workshop we facilitated. Fiona brought SLS to her Planning 10 and Leadership 11 course; she and her students simply loved the experience:
"The most important observation I made from the overall experience was the empowerment the students felt after finishing the projects. Because the students were required to take actions and because the actions were “doable” students had a felt experience of actually making a difference. The students commented several times on how surprised they were at the impact the small actions made in their own lives and in the lives of their family, friends, neighbourhood, and community."
Please support Be the Change in our Community for Change campaign!
Hello friend and community member,
In grade 8, Burnaby South Secondary student Simon Lin dreamt up his own food scraps diversion program: he walked the halls with a sandwich board and a bin and asked students to fork over their food waste. Last year in grade 12 and with Be The Change’s support, he led a team of 20 students to help the Burnaby School District successfully implement their food scraps composting program at Burnaby South.
You are my Community for Change
Hello friends,
Well, this is a new experience for me, sharing a blog with my extended community. Thanks for tuning in!
As you probably know I’m totally devoted to my work as the Creative Director of Be The Change Earth Alliance (BTCEA). This small but dedicated non-profit has accomplished so much over the years, thanks to all the support of dedicated staff, volunteers, teachers, students, parents… all the widening circles of people who care about shifting our unsustainable world view, and know how powerful it is to work with our youth in this endeavour. I’m hoping you may be interested in supporting our mission and passing this message on to others that may be interested in supporting our good work.
What BTCEA does… Our grassroots work for global sustainability focuses on education that empowers youth to make sustainable choices and become informed critical thinking citizens. We do this by creating curriculum that teachers can use in the classroom to inform on the global challenges, connect students to how they are a part of these issues and empower them with ways to take actions that support local solutions. I love the way our student Action Packs has the youth engage their families to create more sustainable practices in their homes. This is truly education in action…global mind shift one family at a time.